Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Love. Love. Love.
It's times like these, when I'm listening to my favorite albums, that I am convinced I am a child of the wrong generation. I would give up the cell phone, Facebook, everything that is connected with the current decade to live and breath the late 60s. I'm in the process of drawing up the plan for my time machine; I'll let you know when I get it done. (joke.)
Favorite Beatle? John Lennon. He is such an inspiration to me. In my junior year of high school, Imagine helped me figure out life, as corny as that sounds.
Currently listening to "Strawberry Fields Forever" from the MMT.

I miss my vinyl so much. I decided it would not be beneficial to take it up to school with me. Boy was I wrong. I will definitely be bringing it all here next time I come back to the big, bad LBK.

Most recent amazing music experience?
Sir Elton John concert.
Seven rows from the front with my dear friend, Rachel, dressed in Elton garb.

This man, who is still jumping on pianos at 63, is phenomenal in concert. His black and red tuxedo was adorned with a jeweled rocket man on the back. He wanted to be in support of Tech by wearing the colors-- how considerate.
After each song, he would stand from his bench to point and wave to the encircling audience, seemingly grateful for their support.
The show ran from 8:15 to 10:45 nonstop. His encore began with Your Song; and after much encouragement, he finished the concert with "a song he rarely plays", Circle of Life from the Lion King.
Needless to say, I was hoarse and music-high after I left the United Spirit Arena.
I shall post pictures/video when I rip it from my iPhone.

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thanks, dear friends.