Tuesday, December 7, 2010

One and a half more days of school, and then ::dundunduuun:: finals. And I am tired. four hours of sleep since Sunday? Oh me, oh my.

My News Presentation class did group projects (yuck on the group part), and my group did a story about abandoned animals in Lubbock. I wanted to share a few pictures of these sweet, sweet animals.

Little kitt-ay

It took all I had to not take this guy home.
Fuzzy ears.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Me, oh my. This semester was so hectic, and I apologize for abandoning my blog. As the semester closes, I will find interesting subjects to discuss. I guarantee it.

I have not been cooking much because I'm stinkin' busy with school and work. Yep. I got a job! My internship at Fox34 turned into an associate producer opportunity for the daily agriculture show (on a side note, I know very little about agriculture). But life has been good in that area.

No recent concerts, art or anything creative...However, I would like to share this picture of my friend, Daniel:

I tinkered a little with the exposure, but this is one of those pictures that just kind of worked. The color of the lights are natural.